Why is CULC right
for you?

C.U Leadership College is located in Santa Rosa, CA and is a part Church Unstoppable. CULC is raising individuals to grow not only in their Calling, but also in their Career. It is the perfect opportunity to develop in your Leadership in Ministry and/or Marketplace. Our mission is to raise leaders not just for the church, but to raise The Church to be leaders wherever they are (family, workplace, and organizations). Building a solid biblical foundation combined with leadership and ministry training, this program equips you to make a difference in your community and in the local church.

What are the courses being offered?

Year 1

Practical & Organizational Leadership

This course provides you with the tools to help you grow to be able to lead yourself, your team, or organization to success. Course topics include Self-leadership, Servant, Influential, and Life-giving Leadership, Empowerment,  Leadership & Mental Health, and many more.

Biblical Narrative

This course is an overview of the biblical story arch. By studying the lives of 31 of the most important biblical figures – from the Godhead as He created the universe, to Satan being thrown into the lake of fire – we will trace the narrative thread that weaves its way through the Bible’s many pages. We will also see that the Biblical story continues today, both in our personal lives, and in the world at large. By gaining a better understanding of that story, we will gain a better understanding of the world, our God, and ourselves.

Meet the faculty.

Andrev Baltazar

C.U Lead Pastor / Instructor

Michaela Baltazar

C.U Co Lead Pastor / POL Instructor

Mike Klein

C.U Pastor / BN Instructor

Mikee Macarandang

C.U Team Lead / Year 1 Internship Coordinator

Jesse Klein

C.U Pastor / Admin / Year 2 Internship Coordinator

Lois Aspillaga

C.U Board / Admin

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C.U Leadership College

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